Monday, August 20, 2007

First Day of School

Today is Tyler's first day of school. Yeah! Go Panthers!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Funny Pictures

I came across these pictures while looking for others. These pictures were total accident. Most of the time while taking pictures I just hold the button down for a few seconds in hopes of getting a decent picture. Then I delete the bad ones. These pictures had me rolling. I had no idea what was on TV at the time, apparently I was watching my son. I think it was a commercial. I hope it was a commercial. I don't want you to think I am subjecting my son to questionable content TV shows.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Boy does time fly....

Max at Birth 12/6/2006
Max at 8 months eating a graham cracker

Max at 8 months, walking along the entertainment center

Max is 8 months old now...

He is such a rock star. He crawls, stands, pulls up on everything, claps his hands, says "DADA", attacks the dog and everything else he can reach. He loves to play with his animal train, and also likes to eat books.

It has been so amazing to watch this child grow up. Pretty soon I will be planning his first birthday party.